Damian's Music

Damian's Music
Damian contemplating music

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Still Breathing...

Still Breathing…

I came across a box of photos of Damian Jr being resuscitated in the delivery room. When Damian Jr was born, he came out blue and was not breathing. The medical staff invested 30-45 seconds resuscitating him.

I was unaware that all this was happening. The doctors and nurses intentionally did not indicate that anything was wrong as to not put me into to shock. All I remember is one of the nurses crying and whispering in my ear with such joy and relief, “He made it…”. My initial reaction was, “Of course, he made it!”. I no idea what our son had just experienced.

My husband, on the other hand, witnessed every second. He kept pacing back and forth and taking pictures. He too was crying while holding it all together. And he finally shared that our son almost didn’t make it. BUT he was breathing.

About the Breathing Process

You have to breathe because all of the cells in your body require oxygen. Without oxygen, your body wouldn't move. It would be like a parked car with no battery. The car might have gas, but without a battery, you are not going anywhere! So you might have blood in your body, but without oxygen, forget it! You receive oxygen from breathing in air, and then the oxygen goes to your blood which is then circulated throughout your entire body.

As you journey through your day breathing, consider…
 Every minute we breathe, we take in 13 pints of air! That is we breathe about 6.15 liters of air every minute.
 We breathe about 9 to 20 times every minute. Through every breath, we breathe in about half a liter of air.
 We inhale and exhale air about 22,000 times per day and in the process, transport about 300 cubic feet of air (which is about 8.5 cubic meters of air)!
 Human breathing mechanism is called tidal breathing, as air comes out the same way it goes in.
 We exhale about half a liter of water vapor in a whole day.
 Breathing is initiated by the diaphragm, which is a stretchable muscle under the lungs. When it contracts, the volume of the chest cavity rises and the air pressure drops. That is what enables the high pressure air outside, to enter the lungs and makes them expand like balloons.
 When the diaphragm expands, lungs are emptied of air and we exhale it outside.
 When air passes through the nose and into the nasal passage called the windpipe, it gets filtered, moistened and heated.

Today, I am so grateful that I have these pictures to remind me that miracles still happen every day.

So be encouraged today because you are STILL BREATHING. Hope you enjoy one of Damian Jr’s favorite songs – In the Sanctuary by J. Moss (based on Psalm 150).


In The Sanctuary

Sittin here think 'bout times
I thought I wasn't gon' make it
Times I should've been dead
And been gone But God felt different
But I'm still all because of His goodness
I'm a living witness miracles still fall from heaven

He moves when we don't expect Him to
He knows the doors that we face
And He speaks right before we stop believin
He shows His love through his grace

I'll praise Him in the sanctuary
I'll praise Him with the tremble and dance
I'll praise Him with the trumpet and symbol
Since I'm breathin, I'm gon praise Him again

Sittin here think 'bout times
I thought I wasen't gon' make it
Times I should've been dead
And been gone But God felt different
But I'm still all because of His goodness
I'm a living witness miracles still fall from heaven

He moves when we don't expect Him to
He knows the doors that we face
And He speaks right before we stop believin
He shows His love through his grace

I'll praise Him in the sanctuary
I'll praise Him with the tremble and dance
I'll praise Him with the trumpet and symbol
Since I'm breathin, I'm gon praise Him again

I'll praise Him in the sanctuary
I'll praise Him with the tremble and dance
I'll praise Him with the trumpet and symbol
Since I'm breathin, I'm gon praise Him again

Go on and get yours
Now let's dance!

J Moss

Thursday, August 19, 2010



The Overcomer
Damian Jr. is a young man full of joy, laughter and musical passion who happens to be medically fragile. He endured a global brain injury at birth and a 26-day stay in the intensive care unit. He has multiple severe medical diagnoses and is currently wheelchair dependent (but determined to walk). He inspires people, young and old, to hope against all odds!

The Challenge
Damian Jr. continues to overcome the obstacles set before him. Currently his home, car and lack of insurance coverage for music therapy have become major barriers to his care, growth and development. “Without intervention his prognosis is poor. It would be a significant intervention to modify his home environment to assist with his medical needs.” – Pediatrician

The Current Situation
Damian Jr. is becoming extremely difficult to care for and transport based on size and full dependence on caregivers for his basic needs of bathing, toileting, eating, etc. We need to move him from upstairs to main level bedroom and have consistent flooring throughout the main level for his walker and wheelchair. Since he is in a critical window of progress, we must ensure his home/car are handicap accessible and ensure that he gets the critical therapy he needs.

The Big Picture
We hope and pray that Damian Jr. WILL…
 Enjoy his caregivers with the right equipment, space, and safety precautions.
 Access fully his environment without barriers.
 Walk throughout his home.
 Cultivate his musical passion.
 Communicate with those he loves.
 Work with his caregivers as they safely care for him without injury or pain due to lifting.
 Travel in a vehicle that safely carries him and all of his bulky and heavy equipment

The Goals
In order to meet critical needs, we need to raise over $60,000 for Damian Jr.
Critical Needs List
*Medical Home Modifications ($30,000)
-Modular Ramp System for wheelchair access into home
-Bathroom modification from half to full handicap accessible bathroom
-Handicap accessible doorways for bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen
-Complete Flooring Change on main floor for easy access for walker and wheelchair
-New Bedroom Furniture and organization
-Technological Integration with Assisted Communication Device
*Handicap accessible mini-van with ramp system ($25,000)
*Neurologic Music therapy – 2 sessions per week ($6000/yr) – currently not covered by insurance
*Music Therapy Room ($2500)

We established a medical fund account through Helping Hands Ministries, a 501c3 organization that will give tax deductible receipts for both money and in-kind donations on Damian's behalf. Both individuals and organizations can give.

The Ways to Support – We Need You!
 Pray
 Donate items
 Make monetary contribution (one time or ongoing)
 Identify organizations that have charitable contributions funds
 Spread the word…Spread the word… Spread the word

To make an online donation:

1. Go to www.hhmin.org
2. Click on “Make a Donation”
3. View Project Category and Click on Medical Project in the drop down menu
4. View Project and Click on Boyd Family in the drop down menu
5. Complete Information

If you need additional information or have any questions or suggestions, please contact zboyd1@hotmail.com.

Thank you for your support!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Definitions - Flooded

  • To fill with an abundance or an excess.

  • To become inundated, engulfed.

  • To pour forth, overflow.

  • To overwhelm

Today, I was flooded. We hosted a birthday celebration for our son. He was born on August 1, two days after his dad. Last year, Damian Jr had surgery around their birthdays so we were not able to fully celebrate. So this year, we had a surprise party for my husband and then a celebration for Damian Jr several weeks later so that each of them would have distinct, memorable experiences.

Over the past several weeks, I have been "welling" up with emotion and gratefulness as I have reflected on our 6 year journey. For the most fact, I tried to "control" my emotions. But today I was flooded. It was sudden and powerful. Flooded by the generosity shown to our family. Flooded by the powerful words of our guests during the celebration. Flooded by the support. Flooded by the amazing grace of God. Simply Flooded.

I am glad that I experienced "the floods" today. I trust that you too will allow yourself to be flooded with gratefulness this week!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hope Against All Odds

This video was featured during the Weekend Services for Mother's Day 2008 at Destiny Metropolitan Worship Church in Atlanta, GA. Zarat was featured as a top model mom and shared Damian's story - HOPE against all odds. Enjoy this video - courtesy of Destiny.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Sweet Melody

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. His oath, His covenant, His blood support me in the whelming blood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope & Stay.

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean in Jesus' name.

This song was my sweet melody as we would go and see Damian Jr during his 26th day stay in the hospital after his birth. Damian experienced a significant global brain injury during delivery, and the medical outlook was very, very bleak. I remember the words of one of the doctors as he shared the news of the trauma with tears in his eyes, "We hope and pray that Damian Jr proves us wrong...We hope and pray Damian Jr proves us wrong." Many of the doctors were extremely concerned that he wouldn't make it out of the hospital, and if he did, he would probably be like a vegetable.

So we were up against some scary, overwhelming, and confusing realities. There was nothing else we could grab onto for strength, stability, comfort, reassurance than Christ. We were literally experiencing "sinking sand". Standing on Christ and His promises was our our only real hope.

I can't remember how this amazing song, "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less" by Edward Mote (1797-1874), came to be the perfect melody of my heart during this painful, gut-wrenching time in our lives. I just remember thinking about the tune and quickly looked through an old hymn book. I copied the page and took it with me to the hospital as we visited Damian Jr in the intensive care unit. I would sing this beautiful song of grace to him over and over and over again as tears swelled in my eyes. This song seemed to fully and completely capture all of my feelings, beliefs and convictions was we witnessed our son fighting for his life.

I am grateful for this sweet melody. It will always remind me of my hope! And I trust that you too will have a sweet melody to carry you through life's most challenging moments.