Damian's Music

Damian's Music
Damian contemplating music

Friday, November 4, 2011

Finding His Voice


God continues to do amazing things in Damian Jr's life. Ever since he was selected by the State of GA's Department of Education to participate in a pilot inclusion program, we have seen tremendous advances. Last year, when Damian was in 1st grade, he had the opportunity to be one of 2 students in the entire state to test out an idea of placing a child with significant special needs in a mainstream class of their peers for a portion of the day. We went through a strengths-based process that highlights who Damian is and how to best cultivate those strengths in a positive environment. So he spent 2-3 hours in english and math classes as well as lunch, art and music each week. The experienced has proven that it is so important to give our children a opportunity to learn and grow in new and creative ways! And for our son, he has had an opportunity to FIND HIS VOICE!

Check out a video that highlights his success and is now used to encourage other teachers, schools, and districts to adopt the program.

He is in year 2 and continues to advances in significant ways that point to the Damian Jr's love of learning, his teachers/administrators' commitment to excellence, and God's power to amaze all!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Damian Jr!


Today marks a tremendous milestone in Damian's life. He is SEVEN YEARS OLD!

We are so grateful for our little warrior! He has taught us to embrace life in a deeper, richer way and to love God with everything!

We pray for God's Best for his life and that many will believe in God & His miraculous power, grace and love.

We are reminded of the words Damian Jr says often, "God loves you. God loves me. God is good!"

Full of hope!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Damian Jr Keeps It Moving

Damian Jr Keeps It Moving!

In December 2010, we shared our need for an adaptive bike for Damian Jr as he showed that he can pedal for over 75 feet without stopping. Well God has provided, and he is now on the road. So watch out.

Special thanks to the Alexis Kaiser Foundation and Kennesaw State Woman's Softball for presenting him with a beautiful new bike!

As you can see, he is overjoyed!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Deeper Glimpse into Our Unique World

A Deeper Glimpse into Our Unique World

I wanted to take a moment to share an insider look into raising a child with special needs as many may not fully understand what it takes to care for our children behind the scenes and the toll it takes on the entire family.

Our son recently had his week-long winter break from school, and it wore us out mentally & physically. Please don’t misunderstand the fact that we love our son with everything in us, but this life can be exhausting. Every once in a while, we will hear a person respond in a less favorable manor when we share the smallest glimpse of human weakness in the light of our circumstances. But for the most part, people are compassionate.

Depending on how severe a child’s special needs are determines how much exhaustion and strain it can cause on the family. For instance you can see a child with autism who appears normal to the average person yet who needs constant attention every moment of the day. Then you can have a wheelchair bound child who is totally self-sufficient. I wonder if the variance in the types of special needs is the reason for the stigma.

Our son has what is classified as moderate to severe special needs. He is totally dependant on someone else for his daily activities and needs (i.e. toileting, bathing, eating, transporting, etc). That means that every moment of every day someone needs to within arms reach of this little guy. So when school is out, we are in constant motion. Whether for the bathroom, a drink, or a fallen toy, we must always be there. It’s hard to express how taxing it can become. Not to mention that he is getting bigger in size, and we still must carry him quite a bit to ensure that gets to his destination safely.

But he is still our son, and we love him deeply. He brings us so much joy, and we are more than willing to endure whatever is necessary to ensure his success. At times though our human emotions and strength wanes. I don’t know one parent that prays for a child with special needs, but God sees fit to give them to some of us. It’s a hard journey, but our children are worth it. So, if you see a family with a child with special needs, and they look a little down or tired, don’t judge them too harshly. If you get an opportunity vote for, support, or pray for a family please DO IT. They need all the care they can get.

Written by Damian Sr.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blessing Minus Cool Points

Blessing minus Cool Points equals Glory for God
If you have been following the Damian Jr.’s Story blog you know about the miracles God has done in the life of our young man. We, his parents, are in constant awe as we are witnesses to the Lord’s hand in his life. We recently wrote about some new developments in his life, one being a donated Jeep Grand Cherokee and the other the needs for his first bike. Well, we witnessed another blessing just a few days ago.

The Jeep, both pretty and masculine at the same, was in need a new engine. As his father I was excited about the opportunity to have a non-minivan vehicle that transported both Damian and all of his equipment. Sadly, it was going to take over $3000 to make that a reality. Realistically, we would ultimately need a minivan, because it would allow us to attach a ramp for ease of entry. So Damian’s mother, being wise and much less vain, began to communicate with repair shops and dealerships to get some donated parts and or services.

We met with a local Jeep dealership owner with the hopes of getting some help in lowering the price of the repair. His assistant had a child with special needs; so there was immediate grace. Then he saw the picture of Damian Jr. and said, “He is so adorable.” We had no intention of getting another vehicle, but the owner emphasized that he would work with us and could get the van for roughly, a few dollars above what they paid for it. They also gave us a mark up on the trade-in value of the Jeep, so that we came out paying almost half of what it would have taken to fix the truck’s engine. It was an amount that we could pay without a car note. Hallelujah!

The greatest anxiety was around the cool points that would be lost now that the minivan was daddy’s main vehicle. I was reminded of the scripture that says, “The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22 So, cool points aside; God has blessed us with a minivan in true God fashion. Now, we can focus on Damian’s adaptive bike, and we have a vehicle that can carry it along with his other items AND him. To God be the Glory for the things He has done!

Written by Damian Sr.

Monday, January 24, 2011


On a Roll in 2011

Many people have heard of the great things God has done for and through Damian Jr. in 2010. From standing in January, to walking in a walker for the first time a few months later, and ending the year by actually riding a bike. He is ON A ROLL, and there have been many small miracles that are continuing to blow us, his parents and caregivers, away. Things like becoming very proficient at his touch pad talker computer, and actually becoming more vocal and saying words that he previously couldn’t.

Damian Jr.’s life is a constant wonder to all who are in it. We, his parents, are convinced that this is what God has always had in mind for his life. With all of these progressions, we are trying to make sure that he continues to step far beyond the expectations set for him. I am constantly reminded of the Neurologist's words in the first dark days, “All we can do is hope and pray that Damian Jr. proves us wrong.” One of the challenges with global brain injuries is the ebb and flow of progress. You easily can see a rocketing forward of advancement and then a regression. We are not anticipating a regression, but we are focused on making the most of the gains while Damian Jr. is making them. It seems like wisdom to make the most of every opportunity, as you never know what is going to happen in the future.

We have had 2 wonderful developments. One is Damian Jr.’s ability to ride a bike. This is amazing as it gives Damian Jr. the strength and muscle coordination to walk free from assistance. The challenge is that we had to return the demo bike as it was borrowed. The bike company was gracious to allow us to use the bike (which is slightly to small for him), but need $4,000 dollars to get Damian Jr. his own. So he is currently “bikeless” as we have had to return it.

Another huge development is that a family member has donated a Jeep Grand Cherokee to us, which is AWESOME. You can only appreciate that development if you have seen us try to squeeze all of his equipment in our full size car. It’s like a game of ultimate Tetris, and in the cold or rain it’s plain difficult. The car has become beat up, and the reality is that some of Damian Jr.’s necessary items are left behind. The struggle with the Jeep Grand Cherokee is that it needs a new engine. We were able to get our mechanic to donate the labor, but to purchase an engine there is still a shortfall of approximately $2,000.

So there is a lot more work to do to assist in Damian Jr.’s development. We are filled with faith as we see a future where Damian Jr. is more mobile and the family can continue to provide the care this special little boy needs. These two expenses were not a part of the initial fundraising campaign as these two opportunities have recently presented themselves. So, we are excited about what the future holds for Damian Jr.’s development, and our family’s ability to support him.

Written by Damian Sr.


If you are able to pray, PLEASE do so and for other children with complex medical needs.

If you would like to help by sharing contact info or resource, please feel free to contact us via facebook or email (zboyd1@hotmail.com).

If you would like to make a charitable donation, below are the details for online donations through Helping Hands Ministries. A medical project fund has been established for Damian. All those who give to his fund will receive a charitable donations receipt from Helping Hands.
• 1. Go to www.hhmin.org
• 2. Click on “Make a Donation”
• 3. Click on "Donate to Helping Hands Ministries Approved Projects"
• 4. View "Project Category" and Click on "Medical Project" in the drop down menu
• 4. View Project list and Click on "Boyd Family" in the drop down menu
• 5. Complete Information
Thanks for your support!