Damian's Music

Damian's Music
Damian contemplating music

Friday, September 28, 2012

Congrats to Amy Stone!

Amy Stone (on the right side)

Damian Jr has many amazing people championing his development and fighting for his success! One of them happens to be Mrs. Amy Stone. Amy is an educator at Damian’s school, Kincaid Elementary. She is amazing, compassionate, firm, smart, creative and determined and works extremely well as a paraprofessional in Damian’s class. She exemplifies Kincaid’s mission, which is “to encourage every individual child to reach their potential while celebrating the diversity of our school family”. That is why she received the Certified Staff of the Year Award at Kincaid.

We celebrate in this recognition because Amy has been devoted to Damian’s care and education for the past three years. And currently, she works with Damian exclusively while he now spends the FULL DAY in a general education 3rd grade class. Because of the challenges and opportunities of full inclusion for child with special needs, Amy is assigned to him to make his experience meaningful. She wheels him everywhere he needs to go. She adapts the curriculum to fit his needs. She gets him out of his wheelchair to work on standing, sitting, and toileting. She works HARD each and every day. She is a tremendous advocate for our son, and we are forever grateful.

May this recognition of Amy be a reminder that she is making a life-long difference in the lives of many students especially our son, Damian Jr. 

We love you, Amy! 

Amy with Damian - Group Reading in 3rd Grade