Damian's Music

Damian's Music
Damian contemplating music

Friday, December 31, 2010

Thank You! - From Damian Jr.


As we quickly close out 2010 and usher in a new year, we wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being apart of a sea of love and support for our son and family as we have embarked on a $60,000 fundraising project with three main goals: (1) modify our home for his accessibility, (2) obtain a new vehicle to transport him and his “stuff” safely, and (3) cover the expenses for his neurologic music therapy sessions.

With your help, we have raised close to $32,000 in grants, donations, discounted materials, donated services, and monetary gifts. Here is what we have achieved together!

Home Modifications
We were able to successfully complete Phase 1 of home modifications – transitioning Damian Jr to the main level.
 Beautiful, thick laminate flooring and quality padding for entire main level was significantly discounted.
 Accessible ramp for front door access was approved.
 Countless hours of labor were donated to install the flooring at no cost.
 Other Phase 1 tasks were completed to include door widening and installation and painting, etc at no cost.
 Quality daybed and foam mattress was donated for his new room.
 Multiple instruments for Damian’s music room were donated (chimes, triangle, piano, bells, shoe taps, etc)

 Transportation services were donated.
 A beautiful 2002 Jeep Cherokee was donated and towed to us.

Music Therapy
 Payment for 24 music therapy sessions was donated.

Damian Jr is THRIVING, and we are grateful for all of those prayed for us, encouraged us and donated financial resources and items to meet his needs.

Special thanks to our parents, S. Simmons and the Aaron Family with Woodstock Outlet, S. Remick with Floor Décor Outlets, JJ with Home Depot, Dare to Hope Foundation, Fragile Kids Foundation, DreamHouse, Anderson Family with Royalty Transportation, Crute Family, Bouldin Family, owners of Prizm Builders, Robinson Family, DaPonte Family, McCrary Family, Drake Family, Boyd Family, Williams Families, Madison Family, Rivers Family, Ford Family, A. Marzetti and Family, J. Warren, D. Carde, D. Brooks, and all those who gave at Damian Jr’s 6th birthday party and towards his fund.

Thank you for showing God's amazing love to us! May this new year bring joy and hope to you and your family!

Damian, Zarat & Damian Jr.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

2010: “The Year of Firsts”

2010: “The Year of Firsts”
As we reflect, 2010 was a year of hope, progress and breakthrough for our son.

This is the first year that Damian Jr….

*Received a Character Education Award (Integrity) @ his school.
*Won first place in his grade level for the Visual Arts contribution in his school’s yearbook.
*Stood with minimal adult support for more than 28 minutes while playing drums and singing loudly.
*Learned and explored communication on his 1st high tech device (Dynavox)
*Began wrestling his dad and winning.
*Took steps for the first time in his gait trainer/walker.
*Pedaled for the first time in an adaptive bike.
*Selected as 1 of 2 students in the State of Georgia to participate in a pilot inclusion program, where he spends 2-3 hours daily in a mainstream first grade class.
*Enjoyed respite at FOCUS and Dream House
*Played his keyboard while standing.
*Received over $30,000 in grants, donations, discounts, and gifts from family, friends and organizations to help make his home/car accessible and to help cover costs of music therapy. We are halfway there!
*Used sentences like “I did it!” and “I did good!”.
*Enjoyed the company of his talking parrot.
*Began repeating mealtime prayers.

Grateful. Encouraged. Overjoyed.